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EM 13c, EM 12c: How to Troubleshoot Pending Status for a Database Instance Target in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (Doc ID 1418873.1)

Last updated on APRIL 22, 2024

Applies to:

Enterprise Manager for Oracle Database - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


The Pending status for a database target in Enterprise Manager (EM) Cloud Control should only be a temporary status. 
If a database target shows a Pending status over a long term, then it should be investigated. 
The aim of this document is to try and clear the Pending status so that the true status of the database is reflected. 
This article is useful for troubleshooting issues such as:

Database instance Pending status in Enterprise Manager 12c
Database instance Pending status in Enterprise Manager 13c


Troubleshooting Steps

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In this Document
Troubleshooting Steps
 What Does the Pending Status Mean?
 1)  Confirm that the Agent is Started and Uploading Correctly
 What to check in the emctl status agent output
 2)  Check for errors on the Agent Homepage.
 3) On the agent machine, check whether the Agent can Evaluate the Response Metric Correctly
 a) via getmetric command
 b) via metric browser
 c) If errors are returned or database target does not exist
 i) Check whether the target exists
 ii) If the target exists on the agent
 iii) If the target does not exist
 4a) Check for suspended metrics
 Via the metrics browser
 Via getmetric Command
 Via the SUSPENSION directory
 4b) Unsuspend any Suspended Metrics
 To Remove the Suspended Metrics via the Console
 To Remove The Suspended Metrics via the Command Line 
 To Remove Suspended Metrics via the File System
 5) Check the current Severity Status on the Agent
 a) If Response Status  shows 'clear' or 'critical'
 b) If Response Status  shows 'undefined'
 c) If error  "target does not exist or is broken" is returned 
 6) Perform a clearstate
 7) Confirm that the "Response" Metric is Scheduled for this Database
 a) If the Response Metric shows as scheduled
 b) If the Response Metric is Not Scheduled
 8) Manually run the Response Metric
 If no errors are returned from manually running the Response metric
 If errors are returned
 9) Check that the database plugin exists on the agent
 If the database plugin does not exist on the agent
 a) Confirm whether the database plugin has been deployed on the agent from cloud control
 b) Manually deploy the database plugin from cloud control
 c) Re-sync the Agent
 10) If target is marked as broken/Reload dynamic properties has failed.
 a) Reload the dynamic properties using a temporary higher value
 b) Increase dynamic properties timeout value permanently
 11) Check for any Blackouts Registered
 12) Check the Last Load Times for the Targets Monitored on the Host
 13) Check that the Account Monitoring the Database can Log into the Database.
 14) Confirm that the Internal Repository Jobs are Running
 15) Check the Agent and the OMS Log Files
 16) Obtain a target and availability dump of the problem database target.

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