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BTM - Bug 19590544 - Monitor Fails to Completely Start Due to: The agent could not read the WSDL file (Doc ID 1934220.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 19, 2023

Applies to:

APM - Application Performance Management - Version to [Release 12.1]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


The BTM monitor is failing to start due to an inconsistency between the monitor and the sphere.  The error below is from the monitor agent.  The WSDL cache for the agent does not have this WSDL file in it and the sphere does not respond with the WSDL so the agent cannot start.

 Logging Alert (id = uuid:<UUID>,
   key = com.amberpoint.serviceBase.serviceFaultedAlert-http://<Hostname>:<Port>/btmmonitor/agent/agent/,
   severity = SEVERE, message = Monitor Agent running at http://<Hostname>:<Port>/btmmonitor/agent/agent/
FAULTED: The service started at http://<Hostname>:<Port>/btmmonitor/agent/agent/ can not be secured.
It will not be activated: com.amberpoint.util.soa.utils.SecurityConfigurationException:
Errors trying to secure service endpoints Found 2 errors and 0 warnings.
    ERROR:The agent could not read the WSDL file
    for web service registration urn:com.amberpoint.amf.configurations.webServiceRegistration:Dequeue_ptt-bindingQSPort
    due to the following error.

 Received unexpected response "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found" while reading the
 document at




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