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Download/Deployment of the 12c EM May Bundle Patch to Support Discovery/Monitoring of Cloudera Manager Admin Console HTTPS URLS (Doc ID 2148611.1)

Last updated on MARCH 01, 2024

Applies to:

Enterprise Manager for Big Data Appliance - Version and later
Linux x86-64


Provide information on download and deployment of the12c EM May Bundle Patch to support discovery/monitoring of Cloudera Manager Admin Console HTTPS URLS.

This note is based on OMS / PS 3 but applies to / PS4 with some minor director changes.
For the patches are the same as for

OMS side patch: 23218275
BDA Plugin Discovery OH patch: 23218115
BDA Plugin Agent OH patch: 23218109


For reference the 13.1 patches are:
OMS-side patch: Patch 23697785 (latest version) or 23294904 (previous version)
Agent-Side Monitoring Patch: 23294778
Agent-Side Discovery Patch: 23294785




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In this Document
 Known Issues
 Patching Overview/Download
 Patch 23218275 OMS Deployment
 1. Prerequisites.
 2 Installing the System Patch 
 Prerequisites for  BDA Agent Patches 23218115/23218109
 What to do if a Cloudera Manager target with http URL access has already been discovered
 Patch 23218115 BDA Agent Deployment
 Detailed Steps
 Patch 23218109 BDA Agent Deployment
 Prerequisites for the oracle.sysman.bda.agent.plugin
 Detailed Steps
 EM 13c R1 Patch 23294778 and 23294785  BDA Agent Deployment
 Post Patching Steps for Manual Discovery
 What to do if the Credentials column on the "Oracle Big Data Discovery: Cloudera Manager" page looks like: X admin/*****

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