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Agent to agent peer file transfer in provisioning, patching fails contacting central agent in EM HA/DR environment with alias hostnames (Doc ID 2254095.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 24, 2021

Applies to:

Enterprise Manager Base Platform - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


EM environments configured with alias hostnames for OMS and central agents can encounter issues with agent to agent file transfers as part of provisioning, patching, staging of directives, etc. due to failure of an agent to resolve the alias hostname of the central agent.

This issue can be reproduced by staging a directive from the software library to an agent (not a central agent). If the staging fails with an error similar to the below, it is likely that this issue has been encountered.

Example error:
ERROR [Wed Feb 01 08:10:42 PST 2017]: Error in file transfer 225. Cause : Unable to connect to the agent at []

To perform a temporary workaround to confirm the issue:
1. Edit the /etc/hosts on the agent where the directive is being staged to include entries for each OMS in the currently active site and its aliases.
For example, in the example below, there are two OMSs and the last column for each entry added to the agent host /etc/hosts file is the alias hostname FQDN (,
192.168.XX.XXX host1
192.168.XX.XXX host2
2. Stage a directive from the software library to the agent where the /etc/hosts was edited
3. Confirm that the directive staged successfully
4. Remove the temporary workaround




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