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Getting Too Many Parse Errors In OEM Database Alert Log (Doc ID 2973125.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 24, 2024

Applies to:

Enterprise Manager Base Platform - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On : version, Repository

Getting too many parse errors in OEM Database Alert log

additional information: hd=0x11c409918 phd=0xc0cc2a68 flg=0x100476 cisid=108 sid=108 ciuid=108 uid=108 sqlid=5xd382ndhvnw2
...Current username=SYSMAN
...Application: OEM.PbsDefaultPool Action: Job Step 19604994 Job Long-Syste
WARNING: too many parse errors, count=249700 SQL hash=0xc21f9986
PARSE ERROR: ospid=129370, error=936 for statement:
select rowid as "__Oracle_JDBC_internal_ROWID__",DISTINCT rawtohex(target_hashkey) AS target_hashkey, rawtohex(target_guid) AS target_guid FROM em_agent_metadata_assoc WHERE agent_guid = hextoraw(:p_agent_guid) AND target_hashkey is not null AND target_guid NOT IN ( SELECT target_guid FROM mgmt_targets ) AND rule_guid = hextoraw(:p_rule_guid) AND facet_id is null
Additional information: hd=0x1ac54b4a8 phd=0x1aaf3ba58 flg=0x28 cisid=108 s

Sample showing lots of warnings being thrown

4970:WARNING: too many parse errors, count=249700 SQL hash=0xff190d76
84978:WARNING: too many parse errors, count=249700 SQL hash=0x0252945d
84986:WARNING: too many parse errors, count=249700 SQL hash=0xbe974844
84993:WARNING: too many parse errors, count=249700 SQL hash=0xa45ff38b
85001:WARNING: too many parse errors, count=249600 SQL hash=0x670dfeb6
85008:WARNING: too many parse errors, count=249600 SQL hash=0x737f42d7
85015:WARNING: too many parse errors, count=249600 SQL hash=0x1b0dd382
85023:WARNING: too many parse errors, count=249600 SQL hash=0xc21f9986
85031:WARNING: too many parse errors, count=249800 SQL hash=0xff190d76
85039:WARNING: too many parse errors, count=249800 SQL hash=0x0252945d
85047:WARNING: too many parse errors, count=249800 SQ




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