E1: 45: Apply On Override Price Flag (MOADJ) (P41001/P4071/ P4072/P4210/P4310)
(Doc ID 1269237.1)
Last updated on APRIL 09, 2024
Applies to:
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Pricing - Sales - Version 8.12 and later Information in this document applies to any platform.
The "Apply On Override Price" flag indicates that the system should apply a price adjustment even when the unit price is manually overridden during order entry. This flexibility is available in Sales Orders, Purchase Orders (impacts the Unit Cost field), and Receipts.
Prior to E1 release 8.12, when a user overrode the net price, all Advanced Pricing adjustments were ignored. Starting with 8.12, Line Level adjustments (line level, rebates and accruals) will allow the user to key in a unit price and have the adjustment(s) applied to this manually-entered price. The functionality works where the Adjustment Control Code is set to Print/Not Print on Document, and also for adjustments where the unit price is not changed (Accruals, Rebates).
The benefits of this functionality include improved accuracy in pricing, and increased efficiency in order entry, as there is no need to access the Price History to override a price and maintain Advanced Pricing adjustments.
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