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E1: 41: Cycle Count Frequently Asked Questions (Doc ID 1313668.1)

Last updated on APRIL 09, 2024

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management - Version XE to 9.0 [Release XE to 9.0]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This document provides answers to frequently asked questions on Cycle Count.

Questions and Answers

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In this Document
Questions and Answers
 Select Items for Cycle Count (R41411)
 Question 1: When Location 108 is entered in data selection, Select Items for Cycle Count (R41411) why doesn't the report show any lines with location 108?
 Question 2: Why when you are trying to Select Items for Cycle Count (R41411) by Data Selecting on a specific location, "AB.CD.E . .", for example, why is this location not pulled into the Cycle Count Transaction file (F4141)?
 Cycle Count Entry (P4141)
 Question 1: How can users add new items which were found during cycle count?
 Question 2: Is there a way to prevent the creation of additional location / lot entries during Cycle Count Entry (P4141)?
 Question 3: In Cycle Count Entry (P4141), the data is sorted by Location. How can it be changed to be sorted by Item Number?
 Cycle Count Update (R41413)
 Question 1: How is the Next Count Date (NCDJ) in the Item Location table (F41021) updated by Cycle Count Update (R41413)?
 Question 2: After running the Cycle Count Update (R41413), why are two batches created?
 Question 3: What will happen If General Ledger Date in Cycle Count Update (R41413) is set to the previous day? For example, Cycle Count is done on May 1 but the G/L date is set to April 30. What would the Cardex display?
 Question 4: Cycle Count Update (R41413) processed and updated the status to 50 but there are errors in the workcenter and some records were not updated. What needs to be done to resolve the errors?
 Question 1: Is there a program which can be used to purge records from the Cycle Count Transaction (F4141) file?
 Question 2: How can we identify who approved or cancelled a cycle count?
 Question 3: What is the difference between cycle status 60 cancel and 99 deleted?   Where and how can the cycle count be updated to status 60 or 99?
 Question 4: Is there a field that indicates an item selected was missed when entering amounts counted?
 Question 5: Is there a limit to the number of lines which can be processed in a count cycle of items?
 Question 6: Is it possible to Cycle Count Bulk Items, where Bulk/Packed Flag = B in the Item Master (P4101)?

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