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E1: 43: Receipt Routing FAQ (P4312 / P43250 / P43090 / P43091 / P43252) (Doc ID 1345582.1)

Last updated on FEBRUARY 02, 2024

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement and Subcontract Management - Version XE and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This document provides answers to frequently asked questions on Receipt Routing. All of the questions below have answers that are dependent on the correct setup of Receipt Routing. For further information regarding setup considerations, see Receipt Routing (Doc ID 2101173.2).

Questions and Answers

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In this Document
Questions and Answers
 Question 1 : How are Receipt Document Numbers used when updating the various database tables as the item enters Receipt Routing and then moves from in-transit to stock?
 Question 2 : Can the exchange rate be updated based on the G/L Date when the item goes into stock?
 Question 3 : Is it possible for the Buyer or Originator to receive an email notification when an item is moved to stock when using the Receipt Routing Movement (P43250) program?
 Question 4 : Is it possible to setup receipt routing for expense purchase orders with J line types?
 Question 5 : Is it possible to use Receipt Routing  on a purchase order for a returned item created by RMA without manually having to create the relation between supplier (original customer in this case) and the item?
  Question 6: Why is the Secondary Quantity (SQOR) field blank in the Receipt Routing Movement (P43250) screen for a Dual Unit of Measure Item?
 Question 7: Is it possible to update the Next Status on a PO line in receipt routing at each different operation? For example, the Next Status would be updated at the TRAN step, as well as INSP, DOCK, and then finally closed at STK?
 Question 8:  Is it possible to edit or change the UOM with Receipt Routing Movement (P43250) or Receipt Routing Unedited Transactions Inbound Processor (R43092Z1I)?
 Question 9: Is it possible to default any new item ordered from a supplier into a route for inspection when no existing supplier item relationship route has been established?
 Question 10:  Is it possible to assign a receipt route at the item level without specifying a supplier or branch?
 Question 11:  If setup to use the Fiscal Year Next Number Table for a specific Document Type i.e. OV, and using Receipt Routing / Movement and Disposition P43250. P43250 does not use the FY / NN it uses the Standard Next Number Table for the movement Doc Number. Why?
 Question 12: Purchase Order Receipts (P4312) has the capability to move all lines into Receipt Routing. Why cannot all lines be moved in Movement & Disposition?
 Question 13: When moving multiple lines in P43250 Receipt Routing a Web Exception error is given There was a Problem with the sever while running the business function F43092EndDoc.\n. When looking  at the Logs the error complains about Advanced Pricing / Costing. Why?
 Question 14: In Movement & Disposition, P43250, is it possible to use Option 7 - Receive and Close Purchase Order or Option 9 - Cancel Purchase Order Line?
 Location & Lot
 Question 1: What is the process to enter the lot after the item has entered Receipt Routing?
 Question 2: Why does the Memo Lot field populated during PO Receipt (P4312) entry get cleared when the PO enters Receipt Routing?
 Question 3: When moving an item to stock, the Lot/Serial Number Must be Entered Error (2745) is displayed, but the location and lot fields in the grid are grayed out.  How can the lot number be entered at this step?
 Partial Receipt & Status
 Question 1: Why isn't  the Receipt Date updated in the Purchase Order Receiver (F43121) table when a Partial Quantity is moved to stock?
 Question 2: How can a user receive a partial quantity and cancel the remaining balance when receiving an item into receipt routing?
 Question 3: Receive Date (ADDJ) does not always display on partially received orders in the Purchasing Ledger at a 400/400 status.
 Question 1: Why is an an item that was moved to stock no longer visible in the Work With Routing Statuses grid?
 Question 2: When reversing a receipt in routing and using flex accounting, the reversed record on general ledger does not book to the correct account according with flex accounting setup. Why does this happen?

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