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E1: 04: How To Delete, Void or Unreconcile Automatic and Manual Payments (P0413V/P09131) (Doc ID 1433338.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 03, 2024

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable - Version XE and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.



The ability to void or delete an automatic or manual payment depends on the post status of the payment.  Deleting an unposted payment does not leave any type of audit trail and removes the entire record from the system (aka tables) and reopens the voucher(s) it was paying. Voiding an automatic or manual payment occurs when the payment was posted after creation, therefore, creating an audit trail of the reversing entries. When you void a payment you must post the payment batch again to update the General Ledger and A/P Trade Account. To know if a payment has been posted the payment tables F0413, F0414 will have a successful post code value of D whereas the General Ledger record will be created and have a post code of P.  If the payment batch has not been posted to the General Ledger then the F0413 and F0414 payment tables will have a post code or status of blank and no payments will exist in the General Ledger yet.

The Posted (data dictionary item POST) Code of a payment indicates if it has been posted before. The statuses are:

An unposted automatic payment can be voided or deleted, depending on the setting of Processing Option 4: Delete Unposted Automatic Payments on the "Processing tab" of Void Payment Entry/Manual Payment Entry (P0413M).

When payments are voided, the system:

Note: Payments that were reconciled with the Manual Reconciliation program (P09131) or Match Tape File to Recon File program (R09510) cannot be voided. Reconciled payments must be unreconciled before they can be voided.


This document is intended for users who delete, void or unreconcile payments created from automatic payment process and/or manual payments.


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In this Document
 Voiding a Payment and Associated Vouchers
 Using the Payment Without Match Program to Void Manual Payments
 Un-reconcile an AP Payment (P09131)
 For releases 9.0 and above
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