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E1: 17 R1735 Bill Through Dates On Contract Renewal Not Equal Contract End Date (Doc ID 1435661.1)

Last updated on NOVEMBER 22, 2022

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Service Management - Version 9.0 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
R1735 - Service Contract Detail Renewal


When  a new contract is created for a monthly contract, in the detail line, the field "Billing Through" is always set to the end of the month or to the end of the billing cycle based on the Fiscal Date Pattern.  A billing period between 05/01/11 and 07/29/11 cannot be set.  The system will change the bill through date to the end of the specific month (07/31/2011), even with processing option 3, Bill Through Date, on Defaults tab set to 3, New Contract End Date.

When R1735 is run the contract start and end date  in both Contract Header file (F1720) and Contract Detail File (F1721) remains the same, eg. 05/01/11-07/29/11 (90 contract days).  The bill through date is set to 07/31/2011 (92 days).   This means that the recurring billing amount that is calculated is based on a different time frame to the actual contract start and end date.


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