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E1: 09: Frequently Asked Questions regarding Automatic Bank Statement Reconciliation (P09610/P09616/P09617/P09631/R09600/R09612/R09616) (Doc ID 1624573.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 07, 2025

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Ledger - Version XE and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This document provides answers to some frequently asked questions on Automatic Bank Statement Reconciliation.

NOTE: For more information on Automatic Bank Statement Reconciliation, refer to <Document 1456468.1>.

Questions and Answers

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In this Document
Questions and Answers
 Question 1:  Is it possible to reconcile cash receipt transactions entered in EnterpriseOne AR system using Auto Bank Statement?
 Question 2:  How can treasury module of PeopleSoft be simulated using Automatic Bank Reconciliation (R09616)?
 Question 3:  Is it possible to reconcile existing manual journal entries using Automatic Bank Reconciliation (R09616)?
 Question 4: In spite of all the correct setup, why does R09612 report fails on server but works fine when submitted locally on a far client?
 Question 5: Does the R09612 prevent duplicate bank statements?
 Question 6: Is there any way to update the "Document Number" field DOC in table F09617 in order to have the Automatic Receipt Process working?
 Question 7: Where does the system get the value for Bank Balance field in the Reconcile Bank Detail to Account (P09631) application?
 Question 8: Is it possible to upload multiple bank account statements from one single text file for SWIFT format?
 Question 9: For BAI2 Format, what should be the end of record in the flat file read by R09600 by for record type 16?
 Question 10: When tag 86 is missing in the Swift flat file the tag 61 in block 4 is not updated in the F09611 after running the R09600. Is the record tag 86 required?
 Question 11: While creating automatic EFT payments the R1 in F0911 is updated with the batch number. For all other payments R1 is updated with document number. This affects the way the automatic bank restatement works. Why is this field being updated differently for the EFTs?
 Question 12: Why do I get "Active console has stopped working" error message after running R09600 report for the SWIFT format file?
 Question 13: Why the R09600 fails to upload MT940 Statement when character colon ':' is present in the middleof the text in Tag :86: (Information to AccountOwner)?
 Question 14: Is it possible to setup multiple Transaction Codes for the same External Transaction type in P09622 application?
 Question 16: How Is it possible to perform multi-currency transactions during Auto Bank Statement Reconciliation? Does it create a JE for difference in exchange rate?
 Question 17: Would like to know what is the significance of  'Consolidation' in Process Auto Bank Statement (R09616)? 
 Question 18: I want to create new Transaction code 'TR' for Bank reconciliation, what are the guidelines to add a new code to the UDC table 09/TT and what would be the associated special handling code?
 Question 19: When running R09616, the EXA and EXR fields are populated with "Auto Bank Statement Entry". Is it possible to change this value? 
 Question 20: The Manual Bank Statement Reconciliation program (P09631) takes a long time to return data in the two grid areas when searching for records.  Is there a way to increase performance when querying for these records?
 Question 21:  Can you add to the UDC table 09/BA for the automatic bank statement reconciliation process?
 Question 22:  Can the Automatic Bank Statement Reconciliation process be used to reconcile multiple BAI2 accounts at our bank to a single E1 G/L account?  For example, if AP and AR transactions are recorded in the same E1 G/L account, but the external bank accounts that handle these transactions are two separate accounts, if the bank sends statements for both accounts, can they be reconciled to the one E1 G/L account by the Auto Bank Statement Rec process?
 Question 23: Is it possible to set up one BAI2 Bank Account against multiple EnterpriseOne GL Accounts?
 Question 24: Is it possible to automatically reconcile BACS Payments?
 Question 25: What are the key fields that R09616 uses to locate the record in the F0911 table to reconcile the transaction? 

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