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E1: GRID: Frequently Asked Questions on how to Configure, Create, and Manage OneView Watchlists (Doc ID 2105468.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 07, 2023

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools - Version 9.1 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This document covers some frequently asked questions in regards to the watchlist functionality.

Since Watchlist are a part of the OneView product, the use of the Watchlist feature requires licensing of OneView Foundation. Apart from licensing, watchlists do not require OVR server. Since E1 Support does not deal with Licensing, contact your Sales Account Manager for information or questions on specific licensing requirements.  See <Document 1563736.1> E1: GRID: How to Configure, Create, and Manage OneView Watchlists? for additional details.


One View Reporting has a separate license, but for UX One a restricted use license has been created so that customers will be able to access all of the content delivered with UX One pages at no additional charge as long as they have a license for the underlying JD Edwards module.

Review the FAQ for more details about the restricted use license for UX One.



Questions and Answers

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In this Document
Questions and Answers
 Question 1: When viewing the web object view security, there is nothing to select under Web Object Name when clicking the visual assist, it always default to *ALL. Why?
 Question 2: Does "JD Edwards EnterpriseOne for iPad" client support Watchlists?
 Question 3: Are watchlists available for an E1 Page?
 Question 4: Is there a way to prevent the Summary line from being counted in the Watchlist?
 Question 5: Is there a way to promote Watchlists between environments?
 Question 6: We have created a watchlist over P0411 ZJDE0001 (Supplier Ledger Inquiry) to show supplier vouchers with a pay status of 'H' for held. There are 2 vouchers that meet the criteria however the Watchlist indicator returns a count of 3 records. Why is this occurring?
 Question 7: Can I create Watchlist over Databrowser or Work with Submitted Jobs application ?
 Question 8: Clicking on a Watchlist from Navigation Dropdown which is created on a table/view in databrowser will not open the table/view in databrowser. Is this working as per design?
 Question 9: Does an advanced query have to be public to work with watchlist?
 Question 10: Does Web Object Security view security setup for watchlist overrides or impacts the application security setup in P00950 for users\roles?
 Question 11: Is it possible to improve performance for watchlist?
 Question 12: How to hide certain watchlist from displaying?
 Question 12: Is it possible to have the watchlist flag icon change its color to RED if any user watchlist has crossed critical threshold and to show number of watchlist that have critical thresholds limit passed. (expected behaviour is somewhat similar to notification bell icon)

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