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E1:75A: STP P75A700 Update Event Does Not Work When You Have Employees With Different Check Dates (Doc ID 2642116.1)

Last updated on APRIL 09, 2023

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Australia/New Zealand Payroll - Version 9.1 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When a company has multiple payrolls with different paycheck dates, a reset cannot be done for an employee who was not paid on the final check date of the Final STP. 

For example, company XYZ paid three employees (EE) 2024, 2234 and 2236 with different pay frequencies.  Both EE 2024 and 2234 are on the same pay frequency (BW), the other EE 2236 is on the weekly pay frequency which does not have the same check date.  Run two different payrolls for two different pay frequencies to create history (F06166 and F06136).  Create the 1st STP (single touch payroll) using dates at the end of fiscal year, 06/30/20, and run it for all employees.  After that, set the employee 2024 and 2236 submission status to R-rejected.  Create another STP and this time set this STP to be updated event with 'include rejected employees only' box checked.  

Actual result: only the employee that have check date matched with the check date on the STP creation are included in the STP

Expected result: both rejected employees should be in this STP run regardless if the check date is matched or not since this is the end of year reporting.


1.Have 2 payrolls in employees are paid on different dates in the one company.

2.Make sure employee's are paid in both payrolls.

3.Create a STP which includes all employees with the Final Event indicator set to 'Y'.

4.Select a number of employee's some from each payroll and set their reject flag to 'R'. 5.Process the update event STP. 6.In the case below only 2 of the 3 employees were included in the update event STP.


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