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E1: 46: Why is F41021 - Item Location Field QTY1 - Future Use Quantity Updated When Creating Pick Suggestions (R46171) in the Warehouse Management System (WMS)? (Doc ID 2853662.1)

Last updated on MAY 16, 2022

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Warehouse Management - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When a Work Order is created within a Warehouse Management System (WMS) enabled branch and a WMS Item is added via the Parts List, the creation of the Pick Suggestion via R46171 will populate the LIQOWO and LIQTY1 fields in F41021 with the quantity of the item on the parts list. This new KM document explains the fields and how they are populated.

These fields are defined in Data Dictionary as follows:

Alias: QOWO  - Quantity Work Order Hard Commit    
The number of units hard committed to work orders in the primary unit of measure.

Alias: QTY1 - Future Use Quantity  
Quantity for future use in the Item Location file (F4102).

Steps that lead to LIQTY1 being populated:

  1. P48013 - Create Work Order for item A.
  2. P3111 -  Add item B to parts list.  (Version set to create Pick Requests).
  3. P4600 -  Request is generated.   F41021 WO soft commit and Quantity soft committed are updated.  Future quantity (QTY1) is not.
  4. R46171 - Process request to create suggestion.
  5. F41021 - WO soft commit and Quantity soft committed above are cleared and Field QOWO  - Quantity Work Order Hard Commit is correctly updated to show the Hard Committed quantity.  But also, LIQTY1 - Future Use Quantity is updated with this quantity.

Why is F41021.LIQTY1 updated by this process?  It appears to be the only process that populates the LIQTY1 field.  


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