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E1: 31B: Create/Edit Operation Detail - P31B87 Copies Test Results To Incorrect Blend Lots for Many-to-Many Complex T2T Blend Operations (Doc ID 2902415.1)

Last updated on MAY 09, 2023

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Blend Management - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Test Result Names are subject to QA Result Blend Rules that determine how the Test Results in separate blend lots are handled when blend lots are combined. In complex, many-to-many vessel movements, under certain conditions, Test Results in a From Vessel are copied to a To Vessel even if that To Vessel receives No Quantity Volume of wine from that From Vessel, which is not incorrect and should not be Copied.  It appears there is an interaction between the From Vessel sequence and the Movement Detail that invokes this bug defect.


  1. In P31B08 - Tank Master, identify three tanks that contain the same Material Type.
  2. In P31B94, perform a QA operation on ONE tank, using a Test Result Name that is not already assigned to the tanks.
  3. Perform a complex, many-to-many T2T operation to move wine from the three tanks to four, empty 'To Vessels', so that:
      a) Vessel containing the Test Result Name from Step 2 above is #2 in the 'From Vessel' sequence,
      b) NO wine is moved from the #2 'From Vessel' to the #1 'To Vessel',
      c) Other wine movements occur between 'From Vessels' and 'To Vessels'
  4. Test Results from the #2 'From Vessel' copy to the #1 'To Vessel' without a wine movement.


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