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E1: 07: Oregon SUI Magnetic Media (38) (R89078338) Calculates Incorrect Taxable Wages for Transit Tax and Paid Leave Oregon (Doc ID 2963636.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 12, 2023

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne US Payroll - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


After applying the fix for Enhancement 34815692 - OR SUI: R89078338 - 2022/2023 EMPLOYER-SINGLE BIN EFW2 FORM 132 SPEC CHANGES, Oregon SUI Magnetic Media (38) (R89078338) is calculating an incorrect Transit Tax Taxable Wage Amount and Paid Leave Oregon Taxable Wage Amount in the in the SUI Magnetic Media Workfile (F07880.txt). The calculation is not subtracting excludable amounts when arriving at the Taxable Gross Wages for these Taxes.


  1. Select a Salaried Oregon Employee (P0801) paid Bi-Weekly. Row Exit to Tax Overrides.
  2. Setup Tax Overrides for Paid Family Leave (L) and Oregon Transit Tax (F3)
  3. Setup Pay Types, Deductions, Benefits, and Accruals (P059116) for:
    1. Health
    2. Dental
    3. 457 Plan
  4. Add Employee DBA Instructions (P050181) for:
    1. Health
    2. Dental
    3. 457 Plan Amt Level 1 = 500.00
    4. Health, Dental & 457 plan were previously set up on DBA Setup (P059116)
  5. Process Payroll (P07210) for the Salaried Employee Through Final Update (P07250) for a pay period in Q2.
  6. Gross Pay, Excludable Gross and Transit Tax for Q2 is populated in Tax History for
    1. G1 Transit Tax – Gross = 3,264.00, Excludable = 600.00, Tax = 2.66 (3,264.00 – 600.00 x 0.001)
    2. G2 Paid Leave Oregon - Gross = 3,264.00, Excludable = 100.00
    3. H2 Paid Leave Oregon - Gross = 3,264.00, Excludable = 100.00
  7. Setup Quarterly Weeks Worked Report (R07810)
    1. Year 2023
    2. Quarter 2
    3. Pay Periods 26
  8. Run Quarterly Weeks Worked Report (R07810) for the one employee. Employee Z record is added to tax history.
  9. Setup processing options for "Prepare Data for SUI Report (R078300)"
    1. Year 23
    2. Quarter 2
    3. G tax type Gross Wages less Excludable Less Excess = 1
  10. Run Prepare Data for SUI Report (R078300) which updates SUI Magnetic Media Workfile (F07880)
  11. Setup version for Oregon SUI Magnetic Media (38) (R89078338)
    1. Pay Types processing options all blank.
    2. Data selection on Oregon Employee
  12. Run Oregon SUI Magnetic Media (38) (R89078338)
  13. Find and Open the SUI Magnetic Media Workfile (F07880.txt).
    1. Transit Tax Oregon Wages were 3,264.00 but should have been 2,664.00 (Gross Wages 3,264.00 minus 600.00 Excludable Gross)
    2. Paid Leave Oregon Wages were 3,264.00 but should have been reduced by the Excludable amount.

Transit Tax and Paid Leave Oregon have Excludable Amounts that Should Not be Included in Taxable Wages

Excludable Amounts are Not Being Subtracted in SUI Magnetic Media Workfile (F078338.txt)


This issue appeared after applying the fix for Enhancement 34815692 - OR SUI: R89078338 - 2022/2023 EMPLOYER-SINGLE BIN EFW2 FORM 132 SPEC CHANGES.


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