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E1: 41: Enhancement Cycle Count Update (R41413) Does Not Use the Latest Inventory Cost (Doc ID 3052513.1)

Last updated on NOVEMBER 09, 2024

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inventory Management - Version 9.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Cycle Count Update (R41413) does not retrieve and use the latest inventory cost to calculate the Item Ledger (F4111) and General Ledger (F0911) financial records created to adjust for the Physical Inventory count.

Steps to Duplicate

Note: The information presented below is from JD Edwards Support Test Environment. No actual customer or personal data is revealed.
  1. Create a new Item with Inventory Cost Level = 2 (Costs at Item Branch Level).
  2. Initially Weighted Average Cost (P4105) Cost Method 02 = 0.00.
  3. Perform three Inventory Adjustments (P4114) with different quantities and costs in different locations.
    1. Location = 1, Qty = 8, Unit Cost = 8.29, Extended Cost = 66.32
    2. Location = 2, Qty = 12, Unit Cost = 7.98, Extended Cost = 95.76
    3. Location = 3, Qty = 4, Unit Cost = 8.33, Extended Cost = 33.32
  4. Weighted Average Cost (P4105) was calculated to 8.1417 EA.
  5. Select Items for Cycle Count (R41411) with data selection on the Item Branch record.
  6. Check Cycle Count Transaction File (F4141) in Databrowser.
    1. Quantities were pulled from Item Location (F41021) level
    2. Unit Cost was pulled for all locations from Item Branch Level Weighted Average Cost (F4105)
  7. Use Cycle Count Entry (P4141) to enter Quantities Counted as follows:
    1. Location 1 = 6
    2. Location 2 = 6
    3. Location 3 = 10
  8. Cycle Status is Updated to 30.
  9. Now do an Inventory Adjustment (P4114) for the same item but a different location not included in the original count.
    1. Location = 4, Quantity = 9, Unit Cost = 8.65, Extended Cost = 77.85
  10. Branch 30 Weighted Average Cost (P4105) was recalculated to 8.2803 EA.
  11. From Cycle Count Review (P41420) take Row Exit to Reset Frozen Value.
  12. Check Cycle Count Transaction File (F4141) in Databrowser.
    1. Counted Quantities were not changed.
    2. Reset Frozen Value (R41412) updated Unit Cost for all locations using the latest Item Branch Level Weighted Average Cost (F4105)
  13. Now do an Inventory Adjustment (P4114) for the same item but another different location not included in the original count.
    1. Location = 5, Quantity = 10, Unit Cost = 8.88, Extended Cost = 88.80
  14. From Cycle Count Review (P41420) take Row Exit to Approve Cycle Count without running Reset Frozen Value first.
  15. Cycle Count is Status 40-Approved.
  16. Now do one last Inventory Adjustment (P4114) for the same item but another different location.
    1. Location = 6, Quantity = 10, Unit Cost = 777, Extended Cost = 77.70
  17. Check Weighted Average Cost (P4105) after the last transaction. Latest Cost is 8.2972.
  18. Now run Cycle Count Update (R41413) with Data selection on the Cycle Count Number. Cycle Count was processed without error.
  19. Check Item Ledger (P4111). Unit Cost on Physical Inventory Adjustment from Cycle Count does not match the latest Weighted Average Cost in the Item Cost Ledger (F4105)


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