E1: TC: RDA: BSFN: Flat File Encoding Configuration P93081 starting with EnterpriseOne 8.9
(Doc ID 626601.1)
Last updated on NOVEMBER 19, 2024
Applies to:
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools - Version 8.98 and later JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable - Version 9.1 to 9.1 [Release 9.1] Information in this document applies to any platform.
All data, in release starting 8.9 and later, is represented with Unicode. Unicode, in the simplest terms, is a character set that supports all written languages. Computers today can only support one character set at a time, but Unicode allows all languages to co-exist in a single instance of software. In the past, without Unicode, multiple software instances were required to support multiple languages.
Starting with EnterpriseOne 8.9, Unicode is expected as the default encoding for flat file. Table Conversion, UBE, Business Function uses Unicode when involving with flat text files. A conversion may be necessary when reading and writing flat files. This is due to the fact that while EnterpriseOne is capable of handling Unicode file the correct character set must still be defined. There may be business requirements to generate flat files in specified encodings. For examples, CSV files sent to BANKs may be required to specific encoding standard. Same applies for reading flat files received from other systems.
This document discusses this functionality and ways to use different encoding like ASCII, IBM-37, UTF-8 etc.
This document is intended for the EnterpriseOne CNC system administrator or power user.
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