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E1:08: Position Control FAQs (P08111, P08101, R081820, R081460) (Doc ID 641528.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 10, 2024

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Resources Management - Version XE and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


 Frequently Asked Questions pertaining to Position Control


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In this Document
 Question 1:  If using Position Control (P08101) is it absolutely necessary to create new positions every year.  If so, what is the timing on creating the new positions.  Should new positions be created prior, during, or after the fiscal year.
 Question 2:  Is it possible to calculate time period between the termination and new hire for the same Job?
 Question 3:  How to Identify the Vacant Position in the Organization using Position Management?
 Question 4:  How the projected hours are calculated in Position Control?
 Question 5:  Why are the budgets missing in Business Unit by Organization, P081200?
 Question 6:  When an employee is placed in a particular Position ID, why is the FTE and Hours information is not pulling through to the employee master file?
 Question 7:  When rolling over from one year to the next, for example 2009 to 2010, the Effective from date is blank in the new year's record (2010).  Also, the Budget Status Date and Position Status Date is being copied from the the old year's record (2009) instead of changing to the new year (2010). So, if the 2009 record has a 01/01/2009 date in the Effective From date, Budget Status Date and Position Status Date, the 2010 record is showing the Effective From date as blank, and the budget status date and position status date as 01/01/2009.
 Question 8: Can multiple Positions (Primary & Secondary) be attached to an Employee?
 Question 9:  When creating the position for the next year, a message in the comments of the R081820 (Create Next Year's Budget) is shown indicating that 'EE Not in Position' and it did not create my position for the next fiscal year.
 Question 10: Why is the Position Status Date (PSSD) updated when assigning a new Position ID (PID) to an employee in the P0801ORG Employee Organizational form?
 Question 11: When the next year's records are generated using Create Next Year's Budget (R081820), the effective end date (Eff Thru) is not populated in Position Master (F08101) There's no processing option to enter an end date to the position records.  Would the user need to manually update each record with an end date?
 Question 12: With Position Control setup when changing the Home Business Unit for an employee is there a way to not have the system default the Job Type/Job Step associated with the Position P08101 assigned to the employee?
 Question 13: Why is the Projected Headcount blank and the employee not included in the Projected Headcount summary when the Effective Thru Date is blank?
 Question 14:  When removing the job step on the employee Organizational Assignment application, why is the job step came right back as though the removal never take place?

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