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E1: 09: Frequently Asked Questions on the Journal Entries Processing (P0911/P09106/P0900049) (Doc ID 664767.1)

Last updated on APRIL 04, 2024

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne General Ledger - Version XE and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This document contains answers to some frequently asked questions on Journal Entries Processing.

Questions and Answers

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In this Document
Questions and Answers
 General Questions
 Question 1: Is there a maximum number of journal entry lines that can be processed?
 Question 2: How do I make a journal entry to a prior period in the same fiscal year or prior year for audit adjustments?
 Question 3: Are there any special considerations while making prior year adjustment entries for balance sheet accounts?
 Question 4: How can we set users to get a hard error while making entries to a future period/year?
 Question 5: How do I setup a new user defined document type for journal entry?
 Question 6: Can the Journal Entry program (P0911) be set up to default to a different document type instead of 'JE'?
 Question 7: Can the Journal Entry program (P0911) be set up to default to a fixed document company?
 Question 8: How can I prevent the creation of journal entry line items with zero amounts while copying model Journal  Entries?
 Question 9: Are there any User Reserved fields available in F0911 table?
 Question 10: Why does the system allows duplicate entry of Journal Entries with same value of Document Number?
 Question 11: How do I process a JE in currency other than company default?
 Question 12: Is it possible to unvoid a voided unposted journal entry?
 Question 13: Is it possible to create a foreign model journal entry?
 Question 14: What is the most efficient method is preventing the ability to post out of balance journal entries?
 Question 15: Can I make a journal entry between two monetary accounts with different currency?
 Question 16: What happens to unposted records entered via Journal Entry application and batch type G if it gets deleted via P0911?
 Question 17: What is the purpose of the Next Number fields for the System Code - 00 (Foundations) i.e. Index - 02/03/04/07?
 Question 18: Does the journal Entry Program (P0911) have the capability to enter several foreign currencies within one journal?
 Question 19: Is it possible to set up the address number as the required field while entering the journal entries?
 Question 20: Is it possible to lock down the Document Number while entering a Journal Entry, so system defaults it from Next Numbers only?
 Question 21: How do I change the AA amount in a foreign transaction?
 Question 22: What is the functionality of the field GLALT5 in F0911 and when does it get updated?
 Question 23: Why is the system not saving the modification of P0911 EXA field for TX document types?
 Question 24: Is it possible to setup security in order to avoid users from editing posted transactions?
 Question 25: How to enter a reversing entry for period 12 to go to Period 1 of the subsequent year instead of Period 13?
 Question 26: Will a units journal entry be created when the processing option for the Journal Entry Master Business Function (P0900049) is set to value of '1' on the Zero Amounts Tab ?
 Question 27: World Software has a program called Review and Correct JEs (P09204). Where is it located in E1 ?
 Question 28: Is it possible to turn off duplicate account number segments in P0911
 Question 29: Is there any limit to the number of media objects that can be attached to a journal entry?
 Question 30: How do you change a transaction entry that was entered with the wrong GL date?
 Question 31: Is there a way to require that a Fixed Asset Number be entered when a specific account is used for a transaction in P0911?
 Question 32: Is it possible to have one manual journal entry batch post records to more than one period within the same fiscal year? 
 Question 33: Can you lock down the exchange rate so Users cannot override the rate at entry for Journal Entries, AP, AR etc. when creating a foreign transaction? 
 Question 34: Can you update the explanation field on a posted record that the period is closed?
 Question 35: Is it possible to upload multiple file attachments at the same time to journal entry transactions?
 Question 36: How does the Account Number Segments Duplication function?
 Question 37: Why is the Domestic and Foreign Amounts blank in General Journal Review for Doc Type JE?
 Import/Export Issues
 Question 1: While users are trying to import journal entries, why does the system throw "You cannot import more than 1000 rows each time" error message?
 Question 2: When importing data, why does a negative amount in the credit column does not go to the debit side automatically, just like it will transfer the negative debit into credit column?
 Common Issues
 Question 1: While working with P0911, it throws error message: JAS_MSG346 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. Why?
 Question 2: Why does P0911 give an error of "Fiscal Year Not Set Up" when a Journal Entry is created for the last period of the current fiscal year?
 Question 3: Why does P0911 give an error of "Commit Failed or was Canceled. Transaction not committed" error while adding a Journal entry involving a newly added Business Unit?
 Question 4: Why can I not delete the first line of an unposted journal entry in a currency environment?
 Question 5: Why does system does not save a Journal Entry with the value of Batch Type specified in the processing option of P0911?
 Question 6: After selecting "Allow PBCO Postings" or reopening the period, it still throws "Date Is in this Yr but Prior Mth (PBCO)" error. Why?
 Question 7: Why can I not see the foreign amount for any multicurrency transactions after upgrading to 8.11 or other subsequent releases?
 Question 8: After upgrading to 9.1 release, why copy of an existing JE is creating the new document with the existing batch number?
 Question 9: After adding a new Business Unit "A" and create accounts, when entering a new JE for the business Unit the account changes number in the P0911?
 Question 10: Why is the document number assigned equal to the model journal entry document number rather than blank or being assigned from next number setup?
 Question 11: Why ledger type gets defaulted as 'CA' and 'Foreign' checkbox checked, when a new journal entry is created?
 Question 12: Why does P09106 not accept tax explanation code of 'E' for tax exempt?
 Question 13: Why would the attempt to post a journal entry that was entered without error or warning via P0911 fail to post and result in a generic intercompany error in the work center messaging?
 Question 14: Why does it take a long time for a query for all records of a specific batch type take a long time to return results in P0911?

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