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E1: 03B: FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions on Delinquency Fee Processing and Purging (R03B525, R03B22, R03B221) (Doc ID 944991.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 07, 2023

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable - Version XE and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


 Frequently asked question on delinquency fee processing and purging

Questions and Answers

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In this Document
Questions and Answers
 Question 1. When processing a customer's fees the first time, calculation is based either on the Due Date or on the Due Date +Grace Days, depending on the policy. However, when fees are generated the second and subsequent times, what date is used for the calculation?
 Question 2. Does the Delinquency Fee program (R03B525) take Credit Memos into consideration?
 Question 3. Is it possible to generate one fee per invoice?
 Question 4. In what currency is the fee generated?
 Question 5. When generating delinquency fees, an error message "AAI Missing" is generated. Which AAI is missing? 
 Question 6. When I generate Fees in proof mode, I cannot see them through Delinquency Fee Review (P03B22). Why? 
 Question 7. When generating Fees, I only get one RF document. Also, I can t approve/reject individual items. Why?
 Question 8. Why are fees not being summarized on the R03B22 report?
 Question 9. Why are delinquency fees not being generated, if the customer does not have an overall credit balance?
 Question 10. If you have several companies with invoices to the same customer, will they consolidate for one fee calculation?
 Question 11. How can I use an alternate payor (alias PYE) on delinquency fees?
 Question 12. An A/R fee was accidentally created for a new customer. The AR Fee batch was created, but has not been posted. Is it possible to delete an AR Fee invoice from this batch? Are there any potential issues with deleting an AR Fee invoice from a batch? 
 Question 13. When a fee invoice (RF) is created, why is the Remark field left blank?
 Question 14. In release 9.0 tools release 9.1.x.x in a non currency environment, why does the R03B525 not kick off R03B22 fees program?
 Question 15. Why are Credit Memos (RM) and Unapplied Cash (RU) not printed on the R03B20 PDF?
 Question 16. Fee invoices were created using the wrong date, causing the calculation to be wrong. The fee invoices were successfully voided, but in a new Delinquency Fee Generation run (R03B525 calling R03B20), the system does not pick up the invoices that were used on the voided fee invoice. How can new delinquency fees be generated for the same period?
 Question 17: Is it possible to define different RFD AAIs to cater for Trade Debtor and Non Trade Debtor accounts? We have a need to charge to different Debtor/Trade Accounts for the delinquency fee.
 Question 18: Which date is considered for the calculation of the number of 'Days Paid Late' in delinquency fees calculations, the receipt date or the G/L date?
 Question 19: When I run A/R Delinquency Fee Journal (R03B22) in Proof mode, invoices are being selected. However, when it runs in Final with exactly the same Data Selection and Processing Options behind R03B525 Credit Analysis Refresh and R03B22 A/R Delinquency Fee Journal , the PDF shows the message “No Data Selected”. Why?
 Question 20: Can fees be regenerated or reset after they were created incorrectly?
 Question 21: Is it possible to eliminate certain invoices/doc types on the customer ledger from being part of the calculation for delinquency fees?
 Question 22: Is there any way in Customer Master Revisions (P03013) to have the "Delinquency Fee" (alias AFC) checkbox default to "checked" when setting up new customer records?
 Question 23: Why does Credit Analysis Refresh (R03B525) when run to create delinquency fees set errors "Prior End Balance Forward Invalid" or "Date is in this Yr but Prior Month" in the Work Center (P012501)?
 Question 24: What could be the possible cause for an "Invoice 0 0 in Error" message being thrown in the Work Center, when running Delinquency Fees (R03B525/R03B22) in Final mode but all appears to process successfully?
 Question 25: For one company we have customers with invoices in different transaction currencies. Should we set up a Fee Instruction for each transaction currency to honor the minimum amount?
 Question 26: If the ‘Hold Invoices’ field (alias HDAR) on the Customer Master (F03012) for a customer is set to Y, does this prevent the creation of delinquency fees?  
 Question 27: When different fee percentages are established for different aging categories by using the Aging Begin and End Days fields, how is the delinquency fee calculated?
 Question 28: How can an unposted Delinquency Fee Invoice (document type RF) be deleted, so that a new Delinquency Fee Invoice can be created?
 Question 29: When creating Delinquency Notices and Delinquency Fees at the same time, from the same Credit Analysis Refresh (R03B525) run, why are the fees not shown on the notices?
 Question 30: Does the system uses the Currency Code field CRCD, or the Amount Code field CRCA in the Customer Master when calculating Delinquency Fees in a Currency environment? 
 Question 31: Why does the customer’s AN8 number entered in the R03B525 data selection not get passed to the Late Payment Fees (R03B221) UBE, when running the Credit Analysis Refresh (R03B525) UBE for just this one customer? Is there any workaround? 

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