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E1: 03B: FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions On Customer Master (P03013) (Doc ID 945684.1)

Last updated on APRIL 05, 2024

Applies to:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable - Version XE and later
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Entry - Version 9.1 to 9.1 [Release 9.1]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This document provides answer to Frequently Asked Questions on  the Customer Master (P03013). To troubleshoot common errors and issues, link to <document 1992691.1> Troubleshooting Customer Master.


Questions and Answers

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In this Document
Questions and Answers
 General Customer Master Questions
 Question 1: Where is the Tax ID field on the customer master?
 Question 2: Can you combine/merge two address numbers containing transactions for the same customer into one address number?
 Question 3: Can you prevent invoice creation from Sales Order and AR, as well as receipts to customers who are designated as "Ship To" only addresses?
 Question 4: What table contains the Customer Master Information?
 Question 5: Are there global update program available for Customer Master changes?
 Question 6: On the Billing Instructions form, what is the purpose of the Item Restriction (EDF2) field?
 Question 7: How are the Invoiced This Year (ASTY) and Invoiced Prior Year (SPYE) fields updated?
 Question 8: Is it possible to set up or change default values for the fields of the Billing Information form in Customer Master Revisions (P03013)? For example, the 'Backorders Allowed' box is checked, but we would like it to default to blank/unchecked.
 Question 9: Is it possible to set up a customer's A/B Number (AN8) with two or more Segments (Customer Segmentation) based on the Revenue Business Unit (MCU)?
 Question 10: How do I get updates saved to Billing Information accessed from the Form Exit on the Customer Master application (P03013) to save on the Customer Master table (F03012)?
 Question 11: Is there a way to store information associated with Customer Master records for which there are not default fields available, such as customer gender, customer marital status, customer province, etc.?
 Question 12: Is it possible to change Data Dictionary values for Customer Master (F03012) fields (for example: data dictionary item Credit Manager (alias CMGR)?
 Question 13: When setting up Credit Limits on the Customer Master, do you have to set one up at the Company 00000 if you are using Line of Business functionality?
 Question 14: Is there a way to set up something like a total sales limit for a customer?
 Category Code Questions
 Question 1: Which category codes  - Address Book or  Accounts Receivable - get populated on an invoice?
 Question 2: Can you update the Customer Master category codes from the Address Book Master category codes?
 Question 3: Can you print category code descriptions on a report?
 Question 4: Why do you get error 007P Invalid Address Book in R03012A?
 Multicurrency Questions
 Question 1: Is there any impact on Accounts Receivable if the currency code (CRCD) in Customer Master Information is changed from domestic currency to foreign currency?
 Question 2: In a multicurrency environment, what currency is used by the credit limit field (ACL)?
 Question 3: What exchange rate is used to compute the credit limit if the AB amount currency (alias CRCA) in the Customer Master Revisions (P03013) is different from the company's base currency?

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