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WS: 04: Troubleshooting Voucher Entry (P04105, P03103) - Entering, Revising, Displaying, and Voiding Vouchers (Doc ID 800795.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 03, 2024

Applies to:

JD Edwards World Accounts Payable - Version A7.3 cume 4 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


 This document describes the causes and resolutions for issues related to processing of Accounts Payable vouchers.

Troubleshooting Steps

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In this Document
Troubleshooting Steps
 Error Messages
 Error 0001: Action Invalid
  Error 0028:  Account Number Invalid
 Error 0062: Invalid - Check Already Voided
 Error 0065: Date is in this Yr but Prior Mth (PBCO)
 Error 0069: Posting Edit Code Does Not Allow Entry
 Error 0166: Call to Jrnl Pgm Unsuccessful
 Error 043T – Configured Hub Combination Invalid
 Error 2572: Voucher Not Eligible for Deletion
 Error 3512: Voucher Not Eligible for Deletion
 Error 3637: Delete/Change of Voucher with PO/Contr
 Error 3746: Supplier Amount Server Call Invalid
 Error 4870: G/L Date Invalid - Prior Date
 Error 580M: Invalid Alternate Payee
 Error 2406: Currency Gain/Loss Account Incorrect
 Error 042N: The AE document type is used for creating automatic entries, it is not allowed for manual entries.
 Error 0004: Date Invalid or Missing
 Error 3043:  Must Change in Original Mode of Entry
 Error 794A: Action Invalid for E1/E2 Document Types
 Issue 1: Why is the discount due date inconsistent when the discount amount is zero?
 Issue 2:  The system does not allow you to enter a value in the Pay Status field on voucher entry. Why?
 Issue 3: Why is the value of the Alternate Payee field different from the supplier number? The processing option in the XT0411Z1 server is set to use the supplier number; alternate payee is always the same as the supplier.
 Issue 4:  When you try to display the voucher, the system displays only the document information of the transaction; otherwise, the screen is blank. The system does not return an error, but no information displays.  
 Issue 5: The system does not use the model JE that is set up in Supplier Master Information (P01054).
 Issue 6: The system does not update corresponding fields in the detail area of the screen based on the change you make to a field in the header using the Add action during 2-cycle entry. For example, the system does not update the discount information when you change the payment term.
  Issue 7:  A foreign voucher was mistakenly entered as domestic.  How can you correct it? 
 Issue 8:  Why does a paid voucher show up on the A/P Open Detail Report (P04423)? 
 Issue 9:  What is the proper method to change an expense account on a voucher? 
 Issue 10:  What is the correct way to enter a $0.00 voucher but also record amounts to an expense account? 
 Issue 11:  What is the correct way to change the amount in a posted voucher? 
 Issue 12:  What is the correct way to change the payment instrument on a posted voucher? 
 Issue 13:  What is the recommended way to correct the open amount on a voucher?
 Issue 14:  A voucher was voided by accident, can we undo the void?
 Issue 15:  What is the recommended way to correct rounding issues on the GL distribution side of the voucher when discovered on an unposted voucher? 
 Issue 16:  A voucher was voided and we did a Change on the void but now there are duplicate entries in the GL distribution side, what is the cause and how do we correct it so we can post the void?

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