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OSB BIZ Service Transport Retry Count & Iteration Interval not Working. (Doc ID 1074160.1)

Last updated on AUGUST 12, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Service Bus - Version 2.1 to 10.3.1 [Release Aqualogic Service Bus to AS10gR3]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Routing Options are used to modify any or all of the following properties in the outbound request:

URI, Quality of Service, Mode, Retry parameters, Message Priority. Retry Parameters are Retry count & Retry interval.

Above Routing Options can be used in combination with other options.

Specifying one of Retry parameters in 'Routing Options' in proxy service' message flow should override only that particular option in Business Service Endpoint configuration. However, they are overriding complete business service retry parameters.

Override only the fields selected in the Routing Options. For e.g., Select just URI in the Routing options and expecting that it overrides only URI in the business service. However, it overrides entire business service endpoint configuration

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Create a 'Any XML' typed business service with single invalid URI with retry count as 10 and retry interval as 5 seconds. If we execute the business service alone it takes 50 seconds before returning failure
2. Create a proxy service based on above business service
3. Goto Messageflow and click Route node to add Routing Options
4. Specify Retry (invalid) URI and save the changes to activate the session
5. Test the proxy service. Proxy service should take 50 seconds before returning failure to caller, but it takes around 20 seconds to return failure.

Please note that observed intervals can change according to operating system and invalid URL chosen.


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