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ODSEE - MODRDN Replication Operations Failing with "err=16" in Access Log and Errors Contains "Could not find value 0 for attribute <attribute>" (Doc ID 1294089.1)

Last updated on MAY 29, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition - Version 6.3 SP1 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Customer performs 30-40k modrdn or moddn operations a day.  The MODs are causing replication failures where the MOD fails on Primary 2, replication is broken and subsequent udpates to Primary 1 cannot be replicated to Primary 2


[02/Feb/2011:08:06:03 -0500] - ERROR<5398> - Entry - conn=-1 op=-1 msgId=-1 - Duplicate value addition in attribute "uniqueMember" o
f entry "cn=<CN1>,ou=<OU>,ou=corp,ou=<OU>,<SUFFIX_DN>"
[02/Feb/2011:08:06:03 -0500] - ERROR<5398> - Entry - conn=-1 op=-1 msgId=-1 - Duplicate value addition in attribute "uniqueMember" o
f entry "cn=<CN1>,ou=<OU>,ou=corp,ou=<OU>,<SUFFIX_DN>"
[02/Feb/2011:08:06:04 -0500] - ERROR<5398> - Entry - conn=-1 op=-1 msgId=-1 - Duplicate value addition in attribute "uniqueMember" o
f entry "cn=<CN1>,ou=<OU>,ou=corp,ou=<OU>,<SUFFIX_DN>"
[02/Feb/2011:08:06:04 -0500] - ERROR<5398> - Entry - conn=-1 op=-1 msgId=-1 - Duplicate value addition in attribute "uniqueMember" o
f entry "cn=<CN2>,ou=<OU>,ou=corp,ou=<OU>,<SUFFIX_DN>"
[02/Feb/2011:08:10:02 -0500] - ERROR<5399> - Entry - conn=-1 op=-1 msgId=-1 - Entry error occurred while removing attribute values.
Could not find value 0 for attribute uniqueMember (No such attribute).
[02/Feb/2011:08:10:02 -0500] - ERROR<5399> - Entry - conn=-1 op=-1 msgId=-1 - Entry error occurred while removing attribute values.
Could not find value 0 for attribute uniqueMember (No such attribute).
[02/Feb/2011:08:10:02 -0500] - ERROR<5399> - Entry - conn=-1 op=-1 msgId=-1 - Entry error occurred while removing attribute values.
Could not find value 0 for attribute uniqueMember (No such attribute).


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