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RSS Component Feeded With Spaces RSS Source Issue (Doc ID 1379608.1)

Last updated on MAY 16, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle WebCenter Portal - Version to [Release 11g]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


1. a) The RSS component works when:
- the proxy is set
- no authentication is required, e.g. bbc RSS feeds

b) Without a proxy set, this type of error occurs:
WCS#<DATE_TIME> : Irresolvable error(s) occurred. You may want to contact Administrator with the error reference.

2. The RSS component does not work when:
- the proxy is set
- authentication is required where an external application is created and configured to hold the credentials, e.g. using spaces managed feeds.

This type of error is seen in the WC_Spaces.out file:

<TIMESTAMP> <Warning> <oracle.adf.controller.faces.lifecycle.Utils> <BEA-000000> <ADF: Adding the following JSF error message: org/apache/ws/security/util/Base64
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/ws/security/util/Base64
at oracle.webcenter.rssviewer.internal.model.RSSReaderDC.getFeedInputStream(
at oracle.webcenter.rssviewer.internal.model.RSSReaderDC.getChannelInternal(
at oracle.webcenter.rssviewer.internal.model.RSSReaderDC.getChannel(
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor3270.invoke(Unknown Source)


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