"[SForce]java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out" Error when Loading Data to SalesForce with "EnableBulkLoad=true"
(Doc ID 2442916.1)
Last updated on MAY 18, 2020
Applies to:
Oracle Data Integrator - Version to [Release 12c]Information in this document applies to any platform.
In Oracle Data Integrator (ODI), when loading to SalesForce using the "EnableBulkLoad=true" option on the JDBC connection URL, it fails with below error.
ODI-1217: Session <NAME>_SESS (26) fails with return code ODI-1298.
ODI-1226: Step Physical_STEP fails after 1 attempt(s).
ODI-1240: Flow Physical_STEP fails while performing a Insert new rows-IKM SQL to SQL Control Append- operation. This flow loads target table <NAME>.
ODI-1298: Serial task "SERIAL-MAP_MAIN- (90)" failed because child task "SERIAL-EU-<NAME>_STAGING_LS_UNIT_2 (130)" is in error.
ODI-1298: Serial task "SERIAL-EU-<NAME>_STAGING_LS_UNIT_2 (130)" failed because child task "Insert new rows-IKM SQL to SQL Control Append- (160)" is in error.
ODI-1228: Task Insert new rows-IKM SQL to SQL Control Append- fails on the target connection <NAME>_SALESFORCE_<NAME>.
Caused By: weblogic.jdbc.sforcebase.ddc: [FMWGEN][SForce JDBC Driver][SForce]java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect in statement [insert into SFORCE.TABLE
] getUpdateCounts()={} ErrorCode=98 SQLState=HY000
weblogic.jdbc.sforcebase.ddc: [FMWGEN][SForce JDBC Driver][SForce]java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out (Connection timed out) in statement [insert into SFORCE.TABLE
at weblogic.jdbc.sforcebase.dddu.executeBatch(Unknown Source)
at weblogic.jdbcspysforce.SpyStatement.executeBatch(Unknown Source)
at oracle.odi.runtime.agent.execution.sql.BatchSQLCommand.executeBatch(BatchSQLCommand.java:110)
at oracle.odi.runtime.agent.execution.sql.SQLCommand.end(SQLCommand.java:323)
at oracle.odi.runtime.agent.execution.sql.SQLExecutor.endExecution(SQLExecutor.java:234)
at oracle.odi.runtime.agent.execution.sql.SQLExecutor.endExecution(SQLExecutor.java:28)
at oracle.odi.runtime.agent.execution.Executor.performAction(Executor.java:473)
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