OID 11g Cannot Add or Modify JpegPhoto to User Entry "Constraint violation" "ORA-00942: table or view does not exist"
(Doc ID 2588993.1)
Last updated on SEPTEMBER 17, 2019
Applies to:
Oracle Internet Directory - Version and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
adding or modifying user entry in OID to add jpegphoto value fails
ldapmodify -h <OID_HOSTNAME> -p <OID_PORT> -D cn=orcladmin -w <PASSWORD> -f <FILENAME>.ldif
modifying entry uid=<UID>,cn=Users,dc=<COMPANY>,dc=com
ldap_modify: Constraint violation
OID log entry with orcldebugflag=1
2019-07-03T07:57:19.634636 * Deleting jpegphoto in gslsbmApplyModtoEntry()
2019-07-03T07:57:19.634686 * Adding jpegphoto in gslsbmApplyModtoEntry()
2019-07-03T07:57:19.636025 * DelAllVal: key=ModDelAlljpegphotouMTupNsTCT_jpegphoto, sql=BEGIN UPDATE ds_ATTRSTORE SET attrval = :MODDN WHERE EntryID = :entryID AND AttrName = 'modifiersname'; UPDATE ds_ATTRSTORE SET Attrkind = 't', AttrVer = :atVer || CHR(94) || :atTime || CHR(94) || :atServer WHERE EntryID = :entryID AND AttrName = :attrName ; DELETE from CT_jpegphoto where EntryID = :entryID ;END;
2019-07-03T07:57:19.638784 * gsldudiExecSql: ORA error = 6550 message = ORA-06550: line 1, column 316:
PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
ORA-06550: line 1, column 304:
PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
SQL=BEGIN UPDATE ds_ATTRSTORE SET attrval = :MODDN WHERE EntryID = :entryID AND AttrName = 'modifiersname'; UPDATE ds_ATTRSTORE SET Attrkind = 't', AttrVer = :atVer || CHR(94) || :atTime || CHR(94) || :atServer WHERE EntryID = :entryID AND AttrName = :attrName ; DELETE from CT_jpegphoto where EntryID = :entryID ;END;
[2019-07-03T07:57:19.639013+02:00] [OID] [TRACE:16] [] [OIDLDAPD] [host: <OID_HOSTNAME>] [pid: <PID>] [tid: xx] [ecid: <ECID>] ServerWorker (REG):[[
ConnID:785486 mesgID:2 OpID:1 OpName:modify ConnIP:::ffff:<IP ADDRESS> ConnDN:cn=orcladmin
gsldmde_DelAllAtval : gsldudiExecSql failed
2019-07-03T07:57:19.639091 * [gsldmde_DelAllAtval]: ORA-6550 : ORA-06550: line 1, column 316:
PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
ORA-06550: line 1, column 304:
PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
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