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Setting Up Filtering in a DIP Synchronization Profile (Doc ID 280474.1)

Last updated on AUGUST 30, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition - Version and later
Oracle Unified Directory - Version and later
Oracle Internet Directory - Version 9.0.4 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This document shows an example of using filtering to control which records are to be synchronized from a 3rd Party LDAP server to a backend directory such as Oracle Internet Directory (OID) or Oracle Unified Directory (OUD).

NOTE: This example uses Microsoft Active Directory synchronization to Oracle Internet Directory (OID) Application Server 10g.

This example uses DIPTESTER to store test records in the Active Directory. See belowfor where to obtain diptester.)

The configuration parameters used when filtering are "odip.profile.condirfilter" and "odip.profile.oidfilter".

These configuration parameters are stored in OID using the following attribute names:

DIPASSISTANT Parameter OID Attribute Oracle Directory Manager
---------------------- ------------- ------------------------
odip.profile.condirfilter orclodipConDirMatchingFilter Connected Directory Matching Filter
odip.profile.oidfilter orclodipOIDMatchingFilter OID Matching Filter

If using DIPTESTER, all OID values and the dipassistant values are shown when they are
updated by dipassistant.


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