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Error "Invalid column name 'zxClbraUserList' " When Searching With Non-Admin Account (Doc ID 580150.1)

Last updated on AUGUST 08, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle WebCenter Content - Version 10.0 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When the user is logged into UCM with a non-admin account, the user receives the following error
message when searching:  Content Server Request Failed:

Unable to retrieve search results.
Unable to create result set for query 'SELECT Revisions.dID, dDocName, dDocTitle, dDocType, dRevisionID, dSecurityGroup, dDocAuthor, dDocAccount, dRevLabel, dFormat, dOriginalName, dExtension, dWebExtension, dInDate, dOutDate, dCreateDate, dPublishType, dRendition1, dRendition2, dFileSize AS VaultFileSize, DocMeta.* FROM Revisions, DocMeta, Documents WHERE Revisions.dID=DocMeta.dID And Revisions.dID=Documents.dID And dIsPrimary = 1 AND dReleaseState IN ('Y', 'U', 'I') AND (((((dSecurityGroup LIKE 'Public')) OR (((dSecurityGroup LIKE 'Projects')) AND (CONTAINS(zxClbraUserList, 'z2663757374')))) AND ((dDocAccount LIKE '') OR (dDocAccount IS NULL) OR (dDocAccount LIKE 'AllStar/Customers/PERAC%') OR (dDocAccount LIKE 'AllStar/Software/Oracle%') OR (dDocAccount LIKE 'prj%')))) ORDER BY dInDate Desc'. Invalid column name 'zxClbraUserList'.


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