TUX6.4 - CR013237 Bad syntax in ubb can cause processes to hang CPU
(Doc ID 764979.1)
Last updated on SEPTEMBER 12, 2023
Applies to:
Oracle Tuxedo - Version 6.4 and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
Information in this document applies to any platform
PRODUCT: TUXEDO ISSUE: Bad syntax in ubb can cause processes to hang CPU
DESCRIPTION: Routines that parse the UBB assume that user input is syntactically correct. Consequently, in some cases, a user's typo can result in server processes going into infinite loops. Although there are no core dumps or error messages of any kind to indicate a syntax error, the CPU use climbs and it can hang the system. Tracking the source of this kind of problem to a typo in the UBB file is extremely arduous work. Given that the UBB is generated by people and subject to human error, either the UBB input should be thoroughly checked by software for syntax errors before being parsed for values or the routines that parse the UBB must be made more robust so that they will catch the errors and report them. This problem should be addressed for the entire UBB file, not just the CLOPT -p options of the SERVER section as indicated in the specifics below. A customer had the following syntax for a server in the server section of their ubb: CLOPT="-p 1,300:4:120 -A" - the colon after 4 causes the setsvropts() routine in the tmrunsvr.c file to go into an infinite loop trying to parse this string.
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