After Upgrading MDEX, EAC-run Dgidx or other MDEX task fails to start with incorrect ENDECA_MDEX_ROOT environment variable value
(Doc ID 1042568.1)
Last updated on DECEMBER 09, 2024
Applies to:
Oracle Commerce Guided Search / Oracle Commerce Experience Manager - Version 5.1.0 and laterOracle Commerce Cloud Service - Version 24.08 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Oracle Endeca Guided Search / Experience Manager - Version: 5.1.0 - Release: 5.1
The MDEX version has been upgraded on a host. After upgrade, an EAC-invoked instance of Dgidx (or another MDEX component, like Dgraph) fails. The logs directory for the Dgidx component shows a zero-byte (0-byte) Dgidx.start.log file and no Dgidx.log file, indicating that the Dgidx process did not actually start.
The "Starting process" entry for the Dgidx task in the process.0.log file (in $ENDECA_CONF/logs on UNIX, %ENDECA_CONF%\logs on Windows) shows that the process was invoked with an incorrect (typically non-existent) path specified for the ENDECA_MDEX_ROOT environment variable, along the lines of the /usr/lcoal/endeca/MDEX/6.0.1 path shown in this example from a UNIX installation:
INFO: Starting process for TaskId(COMPONENT,DTWine,Dgidx): /usr/lcoal/endeca/MDEX/6.0.1/bin/dgidx "-v" "--out" "/usr/local/apps/MyApp/logs/dgidxs/Dgidx/Dgidx.log" "--dtddir" "/usr/lcoal/endeca/MDEX/6.0.1/conf/dtd" "--tmpdir" "/usr/local/apps/MyApp/data/temp" "/usr/local/apps/MyApp/data/forge_output/DTWine" "/usr/local/apps/MyApp/data/dgidx_output/DTWine" STARTDIR: /usr/local/apps/MyApp/control/.. ENV VARS: ENDECA_MDEX_ROOT=/usr/lcoal/endeca/MDEX/6.0.1
This behavior occurs even when the ENDECA_MDEX_ROOT environment variable is set correctly (e.g., to /usr/local/endeca/MDEX/6.0.1) for the user account which starts the Endeca HTTP Service and thus the EAC.
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