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Threshold Notification Is Not Triggering For Zero Credit Limit (Doc ID 1081810.1)

Last updated on APRIL 03, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management - Version to [Release 7.4.0 to 7.5.0]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


If the credit limit is set to zero then the threshold event is not triggering.

A simple business could be like this:

The credit limit is set to zero during customer creation. Once the customer makes payment of the initial deposit, the credit limit will be increased after that. Till that time customer should not be allowed to make any call. So we want to trigger a threshold notification for a credit limit of 0.

Steps to reproduce :
* Create a parent account with credit limit of zero (credit limit is set for parent account.)
* Also credit floor is 0 and threshold is 663552 (which is 70%, 90% and 100%)
* Child account is created and is a nonpaying child.
* Purchase a product on child account . The product should have some monthly charge.
* Run pin_monitor_balance
* This should trigger the /event/notification/threshold event.

Note: AMS(Automated Monitor Setup) and the balance monitoring needs to be enabled

Actual result:
* It is not triggering the event for the zero credit limit


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