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Deferred Quarterly Fee Does Not Align With Quarterly Billing Cycle (Doc ID 1307044.1)

Last updated on AUGUST 26, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


For a business account set to bill every 3 months, if a quarterly cycle product is deferred to start cycle charges half way into the bill cycle, the prorated charges are not aligned to the billing cycle start and end dates, but displaced into their own quarterly cycle.

Steps to Reproduce:
1- On Jan. 1st 2014 Create a Business Account that:
   a. Purchases a proratable Quarterly Cycle Product - Set the Start date 35 days from account creation
       (by setting deal start in relative 35 days)
   b. Sets Billing frequency to 3 months

2- Under $PIN_HOME/apps/pin_billd folder - Move time forward to Feb. 8, 2014 and call pin_cycle_fees -cycle_fees

3- Look at cycle event details notice proration, cycle start and cycle end dates

Result: Proration = 0.955056 (5/1/14 – 2/5/14) / (5/1/14 – 2/1/14)
             Cycle Start = Feb. 05, 2014 ; Cycle End = May 01, 2014

Expect: Proration = 0.611111 (4/1/14 – 2/5/14) / (4/1/14 – 1/1/14)
             Cycle Start = Feb. 05, 2014 ; Cycle End = Apr. 01, 2014




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