Is There A Way To Set The Credit Floor Value Dynamically On Per Account Base?
(Doc ID 1350307.1)
Last updated on FEBRUARY 08, 2024
Applies to:
Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management - Version and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
We want to use the BRM event notification framework to track these non-currency resources, but BRM is not allowing to define balance monitors for non-currency resources.
Customer Center only displays the currency resources associated with the account. Plan configurations in the Pricing Center are also not allowing to define tracking thresholds for non-currency resources.
The reason for asking this is that the threshold becomes invalid (doesn't work properly) if the account purchases additional quota for the specified resource.
Actually we are working with negative quota (we assign resources during bill run/ cycle forward to accounts), hence they are reflected as negative balances, for that we set credit floor = -4096, and credit limit to 0.
For example, consider the below scenario:
Credit Floor = -4096 (4 GB)
Credit Limit = 0
Threshold = 50%
The system will trigger the threshold event when resource reaches 50% limit, which is correct.
But when the account purchases any additional quota e.g. 2 GB, system will still recognize the bracket to be -4 GB instead of new -6 GB bracket. Where as we want the Credit Floor to be updated to -6 GB, thus reflecting the additional quota.
1. Is there a way to set the Credit Floor value dynamically on per account base?
2. Also going through the documentation and found PCM_OP_BILL_SET_LIMIT_AND_CR opcode, which can be used to maybe update the credit limit / credit floor values, when additional quota is being assigned to an account, please confirm we are working on the correct lines here?
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