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The rehostuser Command Fails with imsbackup Error Invalid Version (Doc ID 1508985.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 12, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Communications Messaging Server - Version 7.0.0 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


The rehostuser command fails for some users with errors like:

[<date/time>]  <hostname> .../imsbackup[6115]: Store Error: Unable to open mailbox user/<uid>/Drafts: invalid version
[<date/time>]  <hostname> .../imsbackup[6115]: General Error: cannot open mailbox user/<uid>/Drafts

Some of the user's folders are copied to the destination store, but, the user's mailHost attribute remains set to the source store.

But, if you run imsbackup on the user first, then rehostuser works fine.


System was upgraded from Messaging Server 6.3 to 7.x via an "in-place" migration.  The software was upgraded and folders are upgraded to the new format as they are accessed.

The version of a folder can be seen in the header section of the output from


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