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Changing SUSPENDED_USAGE_T.PIPELINE_NAME Accordingly When Multiple Pipelines Are Used (Doc ID 1509291.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 08, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Multiple pipelines are used in this BRM system. The requirement is whichever pipeline generates suspense updated outfile, SUSPENDED_USAGE_T.PIPELINE_NAME has to be modified irrespective of the first pipeline that has generated suspense create outfile.

The scenario is :

1. FCT_Suspense is being used in Pipeline1, Pipeline2....etc and output of Pipeline1 is given as input to Pipeline2 and so on.

2. Whichever pipeline suspends a CDR, that suspended usage will be recycled and recycle output will be always fed to Pipeline1 and if the recycled CDR successfully processed by Pipeline1 then it will be passed across all the pipelines down the line.  The reason for this is that if CDRs are not filled with correct data in the first pipeline and only identified/rejected in the pipeline that follows, this solution will allow the user to re-enrich the CDRs correctly by passing it again in the first pipeline.

3. One scenario is that Pipeline2 has suspended the CDR and the suspended usage is loaded into SUSPENDED_USAGE_T  using SEL utility, and it is observed that SUSPENDED_USAGE_T.PIPELINE_NAME="Name of Pipeline2".

4.  Recycled the above suspended usage and the output file is used as input to Pipeline1.  This time recycled CDR got suspended by Pipeline1 itself.  ASS_SUSPENSE_EXT.PIPELINE_NAME is still having "Name of Pipeline2" which has suspended the CDR initially.  So in Suspended update output grammar, customization is done to set ASS_SUSPENSE_EXT.PIPELINE_NAME to Pipeline1 if EDRcontainer is invalid.

5. Suspended update outfile got generated by Pipeline1 and loaded into suspense database.

6. The /tmp_suspended_usage class was extended with a field PIPELINE_NAME.  So when loading suspense updated outfile, /tmp_suspended_usage_vpf.PIPELINE_NAME is populated but no change
  in /suspended_usage.ERROR_CODE, STATUS etc and PIPELINE_NAME.  The user believes that BRM SP suspense_pre_updater_sp is responsible to update /suspended_usage.ERROR_CODE, STATUS, ERROR_REASON fields when they load suspense updated outfile.

Is there any possibility to update PIPELINE_NAME field also as per the pipeline that has produced suspense updated outfile along with /suspended_usage.ERROR_CODE, STATUS?



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