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Function IPLS_USAGE.GETCONVERTEDCURRANDEXCHRATE Returns Up To 2 Decimal gor Converted Currency (Doc ID 1543456.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 16, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Media Intellectual Property Management - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Oracle provided Oracle Media Intellectual Property Management (OMIPM) function IPLS_USAGE.GETCONVERTEDCURRANDEXCHRATE returns up to only 2 decimal places. The business requirement is to get the converted currency up to 4 decimal places.



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In this Document
 How to modify the function as per the above requirement?
 Even after enabling the BR as mentioned above, exchange rate is being populated up to 4 decimal digits, but exchange amount is getting populated up to 2 decimal digits only. So, the user is facing the issue. What is the reason behind it?
 Would the user need to run below statements one time from custom schema or every time when they need to perform currency conversion?
 What is the use case that requires customer to access the BR/function from a non-ipm user?

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