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Isolating Delays Sending or Receiving Mail (Doc ID 1567992.1)

Last updated on NOVEMBER 08, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Communications Messaging Server - Version 5.2.0 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When you have a performance problem which you might summarize as "Slowness Receiving Mail" or "Slowness Sending Mail", the first thing support will need to be able to begin debugging the problem is a precise description of the problem. This is one of those areas where it often seems painfully obvious to the person with the problem, but not so to the person they are trying to describe it to.

Troubleshooting Steps

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In this Document
Troubleshooting Steps
 Where and when is the problem happening? Where/when is it not?
 What Makes You Say That?
 What Do You Expect?
 Do Some Testing
 Check the Queues
 Isolate Network Components / Explain Topology
 Provide Specifics
 Provide Appropriate Log Files
 Use cp -p when copying files to create a tar file
 Gather Long Term Statistics

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