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UATB Feature Node is not Behaving as Per RFC 4006 While Being Integrated with ECE (Doc ID 1670238.1)

Last updated on MARCH 27, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control - Version 5.0.1 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


UATB feature node behavior for pre-disconnect tone is not compliant with RFC 4006. If low credit buffer is set to 30 seconds and reservation is set to 300 seconds . Network Charging and Control (NCC) session using diameter charging driver (DCD) works with Elastic Charging Enginer (ECE) as below

MSC : Mobile Switching Center

NCC(DCD) : Network Charging and Control (NCC)  using diameter charging driver (DCD). It is acting as credit-control client in the network.

ECE : Elastic Charging Engine which is acting as credit-control server.

As per above call flow UATB is keeping 30 seconds from initial granted service units and requesting for more units. UATB behavior should be compliant as per described in section "Section : 5.3" in RFC 4006

Section : 5.3.  Intermediate Interrogation

When the used units are reported to the credit-control server, the credit-control client will not have any units in its possession before new granted units are received from the credit-control server. When the new granted units are received, these units apply from the point where the measurement of the reported used units stopped. Where independent credit-control of multiple services is supported,this process may be executed for one or more services, a single rating-group, or a pool within the (sub)session.

As per above section UATB should consume all previously granted units before requesting for further units i.e :

"When the used units are reported to the credit-control server, the credit-control client will not have any units in its possession before new granted units are received from the credit-control server."


NCC integration with ECE.


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