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Error 'Database disk image is malformed' When Attempting to Open a Project, or 'Catastrophic error' When Logging into P6 Standalone with an SQLite Database (Doc ID 2021648.1)

Last updated on JULY 15, 2024

Applies to:

Primavera P6 Professional Project Management - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Multiple symptoms may present which can indicate a corrupt SQLite database.

1. When attempting to log into P6 using a SQLite database, the user is prompted with a database version mis-match error and is offered to upgrade the database.

2. When attempting to open a project in P6 Standalone, with an SQLite database, an error or Event Code similar to the following occurs:

Date: dd-mon-year
Executable: PM.exe
Application: Primavera P6 Professional R8.4
Event Code: VTRAT-3962-6
Message: TCVirtualTable.RefreshAppend: <table name>: database disk image is malformed


3. When attempting to login to P6 Professional, the following error occurs:

Exception EOleException in module PM.exe at 0000000001F497DB.
Catastrophic error


Additional information:

When running SQL Monitor during login, the trace stops at query below and the login error is received:

SELECT distinct pw.wbs_id, pw.parent_wbs_id, pw.seq_num, pw.proj_id, pw.wbs_short_name, pw.proj_node_flag FROM projwbs pw, PROJECT prj
WHERE pw.proj_node_flag='Y'
AND pw.status_code 'WS_Template'
AND pw.proj_id = prj.proj_id and prj.orig_proj_id is NULL
AND pw.delete_session_id is null and prj.delete_session_id is null
ORDER BY wbs_id;




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