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smInapCA sends a CONTINUE instead of a RELEASE when a Long Call Ends (Doc ID 2025953.1)

Last updated on MARCH 27, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control - Version 5.0.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


In all version of Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control (NCC) that ship the smInapCA (a CAMEL Application Part version 1 (CAP1) to CAMEL Application Part version 3 (CAP3) gateway), a problem can occur for long calls (at least one SubsequentReservation request) where once the call ends and the Mobile Switching Centre (MSC) sends an ApplyChargingReport (ACR)/EventReportBasicCallStateModel (ERBCSM), the smInapCA on the Service Logic Controller (SLC) will reply with a continue instead of a releaseCall.

This results in an incorrectly rated call since the total call duration sent to the Billing Engine will only be the length of the initial reserved amount.

By enabling DEBUG on smInapCA and slee_acs, it is possible to see that slee_acs is returning an ApplyCharging (ACH) and CONTINUE to smInapCA when the Universal Attempt Termination with Billing (UATB) node is in State 11 (processUATBSubsequentBEResponse_Camel):


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