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ER - Equipment CLLIs ["Net Loc (Equipment)" field drop-down field] Should Evaluate Network Location's "From Effective Date" and "To Effective Date" Values to Filter Expired Locations (Doc ID 2046548.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 16, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution - Version 6.2.1 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Customer requests Equipment CLLIs to be filtered based upon from and to effective dates when editing equipment.

When a CLLI has become inactive we are unable to delete this CLLI to prevent further usage, therefore, we set the from and to effective date on the CLLI location to do just that.
We would like to see the Equipment CLLIs filtered based upon from and to effective dates when editing a piece of equipment (not when searching as there may still be data with the retired location definition we may need to find).

This is an extension of the work completed under Bug 12530126 that was fixed in Patch 18287975: MSS_6_2_1_B696 for "End date on Network Location is not working".


When editing equipment, Users need Equipment CLLIs to be filtered by the from and to effective date for the CLLIs.

Process of Create/Edit Equipment: MSS should filter display list using the date in the following CLLI fields, compared with current date:

  • From Effective Date: If date is in the future, the CLLI is actually not yet active and should not be used (larger than current date)
  • To Effective Date: If date is in the past, the CLLI reached effective date and should not be used (less than current date)

When a CLLI has become inactive we are unable to delete this CLLI to prevent further usage.


This filtering should not have effect when searching, as there may still be data with the retired location definition we may need to find.



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