Payment Applied to Parent Account of Non-paying Children has an Incorrect Balance
(Doc ID 2068610.1)
Last updated on APRIL 03, 2023
Applies to:
Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management - Version to [Release 7.5.0]Information in this document applies to any platform.
On : BRM 7.5 PS8, Vertex STQ 4.0.6
The balance for an invoice on parent account reads as $0.00, but the balances on that invoice for 2 sub-child accounts read as $28,676.18 and as $25.00. only one invoice is open on the parent account at this time in the amount of $168,508.34. That difference of $28,701.18 on the 2 sub-child accounts is causing the "Amount due for all bills" on the Balance tab to be inflated from the correct balance of $168,508.34 to $197,209.52.
Payment allocation should be correct with no extra balances on the child accounts.
Parent account (with no plan) has 5 non-paying child accounts which are having different balances, the total balance is $168,508.34.
The user has to split the payment because of the credit card payment has a max amount limitation.
1. Make Payment Batch 1 = $69508.34
child1 $62150.66 allocating $62150.66 -> $40832.16 allocated, $21318.50 Balance remain child2 $17000.00 allocating $3014.18 -> $17000.00 allocated. child3 $4318.50 allocating $4318.50 -> $4318.50 allocated. child4 $25.00 allocating $25.00 $0.00 allocated, $25.00 Balance remain child5 $85014.18 $85014.18 Balance remain
$62150.66 is actually allocated, and $7357.68 somehow got hold.
2. Make Payment Batch 2 = $99000.00
child1 $21318.50 allocating $21318.50 -> $0.00 allocated, $21318.50 Balance remain child2 - child3 - child4 $25.00 allocating $25.00 -> $25.00 allocated. child5 $85014.18 allocating $77656.50 -> $21293.50 allocated, $63720.68 Balance remain
The parent account has balance even out with total payment $168,508.34, but the child accounts has in-consistent balance remained.
The credit card payment on the account had to be broken up into two payments because Chase Paymentech doesn't allow transactions of over $100K.
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