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Import Fails With Insufficient Privileges When Attempting to Update Non Change Controlled Attributes of Released Item (Doc ID 2115509.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 24, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Agile PLM Framework - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When user who has privilege to update released item attempts to update Cover Page/Title Block, Page Two, Page Three attributes of the released item, import fail with below error:

The cover page, p2, p3 attributes of the object(<object number>) are not updated. Get exception during process:The <attribute name> cannot be modified to <value> due to insufficient privileges or business rules.

- Attribute to update is not change controlled attribute
- User can update the attribute through Web Client

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Login to Java Client as admin user
  2. Enable Parts.Page Two.Text01 attribute. Make sure this attribute is NOT to Change Control attribute
  3. Create Role with below privileges:
    - Import
    - Modify Released Parts (Criteria: Title Block.Lifecycle Phase Is Not Null, Applied To: All the available attributes)
    - Read Items
    - Discover Items
  4. Grant the role to user user1. Make sure this user does not have any other role except for below default roles:
    - Creator can read and discover object he or she created
    - My User Profile
  5. Login to Web Client as admin user
  6. Create part P01
  7. Fill in Page Two.Text01 attribute
  8. Create ECO against P01, and release the part
  9. Prepare Excel with below data:
    Item No    Page Two.Text01
    ----------- ------------------------
    P01          999
  10. Login to Web Client as user user1
  11. Search for P01. Confirm that the user can Edit this part. This is expected as user have modify privilege for released item
  12. Search for any preliminary item. Confirm that the user cannot Edit this part. This is expected as user does not have modify privilege for preliminary item
  13. Run Import
  14. Select Business Rule: Redline, but do not set Change
  15. Map Item No and Page Two.Text01 attribute
  16. Import


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