Need Confirmation On Adding Third Party Jars In JLIB Directory
(Doc ID 2210585.1)
Last updated on JANUARY 22, 2024
Applies to:
Oracle Communications ASAP - Version 7.2.0 and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
Some of our ASAP code relies on third party libraries. With one of our cartridges, we found that dom4j and jaxen were not being found, thus causing ASAP to abort with an exception. This has been fixed by copying both libraries into ASAP’s JLIB directory where they are correctly utilized as this directory is in ASAP’s CLASSPATH.
Is this the correct way to go as a permanent solution, or is there a better way. Such as a customizable CLASSPATH , where we can store these libraries and add that path to the CLASSPATH?
Otherwise, we still feel a little uneasy about just dropping in third party libraries into the main ASAP Java library directory. We are wondering if we should create another directory just for these third party libraries and modifying the CLASSPATH to include this directory too, purely to avoid corrupting the default library.
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