Selected ingredient does not appear in Advanced Conditions if ingredient_id >= 12 digits
(Doc ID 2221033.1)
Last updated on JULY 13, 2023
Applies to:
Oracle Life Sciences Argus Safety - Version 7.0.5 to 8.2 [Release 7.0.0 to 8.2]Information in this document applies to any platform.
The selected ingredient value in AC does not populate after saving Advanced Condition(AC).
(eg.,) The following ingredients which is LM_INGREDIENTS.ingredient_id >= 12 digits has been configured.
INGREDIENT 001 (ingredient_id = 103447702101)
INGREDIENT 002 (ingredient_id = 103447702102)
1. Create a new AC
2. Select the conditions (eg., "equal to")
3. Navigate to PRODUCTS > Product information and select "Ingredient"
4. Select ingredient "INGREDIENT 001"
5. Save the setting
6. Click [Show SQL]
CASE_PROD_INGREDIENT.INGREDIENT_ID = 0 has been set instead of the actual ingredient_id.
7. Close the AC
8. Open the AC settings again.
The different ingredient "INGREDIENT 002" is displayed.
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