Bill Object Start_t Is Set To Actg_next_t In PS16
(Doc ID 2226986.1)
Last updated on APRIL 03, 2023
Applies to:
Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management - Version and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
Steps to reproduce the issue:
Create an account with any multi month cycle forward plan.
Advance PVT one month and before calling pin_bill_accts, execute the PCM_OP_BILL_MAKE_BILL_NOW.
A bill with $0 total and due is being generated.
In P16:
The bill's START_T is set to whatever ACTG_LAST_T is set to in the billinfo object.
In PS14:
The bill's START_T is set to the date the bill_now opcode was executed.
Please clarify if this is now the expected behavior with PS16?
How does this influence the population for the bill start_t when user created a bill via bill now when regular bill is suppressed?
- Created account on 3/26 with annual cycle product only
- 4/26 ran billing, bill is not suppressed.
- 5/26 executed bill_now opcode for this account which triggered billing.
- Regular bill is suppressed and billinfo object has following values:
This no longer matches the last_bill_t on the billinfo profile.
Please explain how this date is calculated based on how the billinfo dates are set?
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