DUCR/ATC Charges with Multi-Tariffs Do Not Follow Balance Cascades Resulting in Negative Balances
(Doc ID 2234231.1)
Last updated on MARCH 27, 2023
Applies to:
Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control - Version 4.3.0 and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
On all versions of Oracle Communications Network Charging and Control (NCC), a problem exists when using the Direct Unit Charge Request (DUCR) Feature Node (FN) to send an Apply Tariff[ed] Charge (ATC) message to the Voucher Wallet Servers (VWS') to charge for an event which hits a CLI-DN (Calling Line Identifier - Destination Number) entry with Multi-Tariffs configured. Any configured Balance Cascades are disregarded and the entire charge is deducted from a single bucket which can cause the bucket to go negative if it does not have sufficient funds to cover the ATC request.
A Multi-Tariff CLI-DN is used to charge for a session based event (Voice or Data session) from multiple balance types. For example, a voice call may cost $0.60 per minute of General/Promotional Cash (GC/PC) as well as 1 unit of Free Minutes at the same time. For more details on Multi-Tariffs, please see the Charging Control Services (CCS) User's Guide for the application version of NCC here.
An ATC is used to request a charge to be performed for a known/fixed amount while applying all the applicable tariffs. An example of its usage would be to perform a session charge in one go ie. charge for 10 minutes of usage.
For example, assuming the setup:
- A GC bucket exists and has a balance of $2
- A PC bucket exists and has a balance of $10
- A Free Minutes bucket exists and has a balance of 60 minutes (this balance type is only added to complete the Multi-Tariff configuration)
- A BT cascade exists for the cash unit BT which utilizes the GC BT first before cascading to the PC BT
- This is all configured for a CLI-DN which an ATC will hit where the cost is $0.60 per minute and 1 Free Minute per minute
When the ATC request comes in to charge 10 minutes worth of usage, the GC bucket will fall to -$4, the Free Minutes bucket will fall to 56 minutes and the PC bucket will be unaffected.
Implementation of Multi-Tariffs to CLI-DNs and DUCR/ATCs which utilize them.
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