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Undispatch No Longer Undispatches Excess Activities Beyond Dispatch Horizon (Doc ID 2260626.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 27, 2022

Applies to:

Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management - Version to [Release 2.2 to 2.3]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


**Examples provided in this article do not represent real life personal/confidential information**

**Disclaimer:** This KM article may include the following abbreviations:

CCB - Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing
ETM/ETPM - Oracle Enterprise Taxation and Policy Management
MDT - Mobile Data Terminals
MWM - Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management
OUAF/FW - Oracle Utilities Framework

Undispatch does not work as desired

In the most recent release of MWM (, the undispatch functionality has changed. Most notably, it no longer undispatches excess dispatches from the MDT. Excess dispatches are dispatches in excess of the drip horizon on the shift.

The new undispatch is actually a cost based reassign function. Meaning the assignment is only removed from the MDT if the assignment is also removed from the shift. This is very different than undispatch that only delete the assignment from the MDT, but not necessary from the shift.

As a result of this change, shifts are accruing excess dispatches. Some shifts have all assignments dispatched when only a few assignments should be dispatched. The only way to prevent accruing excess dispatches is to lock the sequence on thee shift. This is not desirable from crew that work same day activities and have very dynamic shifts.

It is fine that there is a new cost control to limit reassignments to different shifts, but is not a direct replacement for undispatch. We would llike to get the old undispatch function restored. There is no business requirement for the new undispatch (reassign) function, but there is a business requirement for a conventional undispatch function (remove assignment from MDT only). Conventional undispatch is very simple and is not cost based. If an dispatched assignment is pushed out of the drip horizion, delete the assignment from the MDT only.




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